- 紛らわしい投票用紙{とうひょう ようし}のせいで(人)に投票{とうひょう}する代わりに誤って他候補{た こうほ}に投票{とうひょう}する
accidentally vote for a candidate one does not support instead of someone because of the confusing ballot sheet 意味
- "accidentally shot" 意味
- "accidentally sink a boat" 意味
- "accidentally step on a thorn" 意味
- "accidentally stepped on" 意味
- "accidentally tumble off the platform" 意味
- "accidentally wipe out a file" 意味
- "accidentally wounded" 意味
- "accidentally-ingested" 意味
- "accidentally-on-purpose" 意味
- "accidentally stepped on" 意味
- "accidentally tumble off the platform" 意味
- "accidentally wipe out a file" 意味
- "accidentally wounded" 意味